How to Freelance: To Favicon Or Not

Below is a friendly little note about how to make your freelance game look just a little bit more legit.

Let me start off by saying – the answer is always TO FAVICON!

A favicon is the little image you see on every one of your web page tabs, to the left of the site name.

It is incredibly simple to create and upload an image as your favicon, but I think because the process is a bit obscure and seems complicated, a lot of entrepreneurs don’t do it.

Here are some steps in the creation and uploading process in order to place a favicon:

1. Create your Favicon

Favicons are teeny-tiny little images, 16px by 16px – incredibly small. Because of that, you want to choose something very simple that stands out. Your best bet is to use your logomark. If you don’t have a logomark, then the initials of your company will do just fine.

To begin, open up the image you want to use in photoshop. I used my logomark, which is NS for Nicole Schmidgall.

A white background will show, since most tab bars are gray, so make sure to remove the background of your image. I like to add a circle behind my logomark (since it doesn’t already have one) and it adds some visual interest to the favicon.


2. Resize your Favicon

Next you need to make your favicon teeny-tiny. Go to Image>Image Size and make it 16px x 16px.

Make sure to check your image and confirm it’s exactly how you want it. Once you resize it it will be impossible to see and edit.

3. Save your Favicon

Save your favicon as a .png (if you have no background or a specific background shape – like a circle) or a .jpg if you’re happy with a white square as the background of your favicon.

Note: Make sure your image is in RGB if you want to save it as a .png file. A .png file is for web only and is not accessible in CMYK.

Note #2: Please don’t judge my horrible file management skills! I’m trying to work on it!

4. Upload your Favicon

Sometimes this is hard to find. It’s a bit obscure in the options section. Sometimes in the extras, or advanced section of your theme option. Just do some digging and you’ll find the spot in your theme where you can upload your favicon. If not, try a google search with your theme name and favicon upload and see what comes up.

Mine is located in Theme Options > Misc. Settings.


Upload your 16px x 16px Favicon and you’re good to go! You now have a favicon in front of your website name on the web browser tab.

I hope you enjoyed this portion of “How to Freelance”. Keep an eye out for more coming your way soon!

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