22 weeks of pregnancy

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At 22 weeks I feel great! Swollen feet and what feels like constant fatigue are worth feeling my boy move.

Loving: That my belly is growing and I have yet to see any stretch marks! Can I get a hallelujah? I put on this Coconut Oil every night, I hope that is what’s doing the trick. I have no problem finding it at my Trader Joe’s so I hope it’s available for you. The real test will be how my belly looks at 32 weeks.

Hating: The feeling of poor circulation in my legs/feet | The fact that I can’t fully bend over anymore, it feels like there is a ball permanently attached to my belly | How quickly I run out of energy! Still not used to how little I can actually do before I need to rest.

Weight Gain: (from beginning of pregnancy) 22 pounds.

News: It is crazy how clothes can hide the size of your belly. The photos above were taken 1 day apart!

This week I encountered the sensation in my legs that there wasn’t enough circulation. Worst feeling ever. Kept me up most of Thursday night. My feet actually swelled up for the first time which was unsettling, but come to find out that can occur anywhere from 22 to 27 weeks. Apparently my mother suffered from that so it could also be hereditary. I will be the pregnant woman walking around in flipflops in the middle of winter due to the fact my feet are so swollen! If I don’t prop my feet up towards the end of the day I start to feel that sensation and my feet swell.

On Saturday we are picking up the baby’s crib thanks to some dear church friends who are gifting it to us. I’ve got my colors picked out for the room, so I’m really excited to have a big piece of furniture to start building off of. I can then focus on picking out a dresser and chair.

Maybe if I am brave enough I’ll share a photo of my belly button. Throw in the fact that my belly button piercing is also all stretched out and it is the weirdest thing I have ever seen!


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